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Microtec 分线架对于任何服装印刷设置来说都是一个有价值的补充,特别是对于那些使用 Microtec SHP 系列热压机的人来说。通过防止双重压缩、消除油墨迁移并简化服装处理,它可显着提高热压操作的效率和质量。立即投资分纸架,体验它为您的服装印花业务带来的改变。

滚筒热压机 - 热升华滚筒的最佳热压机 |麦克泰克

探索 Microtec 的顶级品质滚筒热压机,非常适合热升华滚筒。了解设置、温度等。访问www.heatpress.cn。

探索 Microtec 全自动热压机:高效印刷的终极指南

探索 Microtec 的 APD 系列全自动气动高压热压机。非常适合 T 恤、服装和织物上的专业热转印。有 16x20 和 16x24 尺寸可供选择,提供一致的高压、精确的温度控制和用户友好的操作。使用 Microtec 耐用且可靠的热压机提高您的打印效率和质量。

了解 Microtec X 系列 – 热转印技术的突破

Microtec X 系列代表了热转印技术创新的巅峰。我们升级后的电动机无缝地结合了自动化、用户友好的控制和多功能服装处理,彻底改变了印刷过程。配备时尚的 6 英寸触摸屏界面和专门的衣物隔层,实现专业级效果从未如此简单。


Mighty 自动热压机:将个性化服装和团队制服提升到新高度

自动热转印系统创新将改变 T 恤印刷趋势

彻底改变纺织品印刷:直接胶片 (DTF) 打印机的兴起

DTF 印刷代表了一种革命性的纺织品印刷方法,提供无与伦比的多功能性、质量和成本效益。无论您是小型精品店还是大型制造商,将 DTF 打印集成到您的工作流程中都可以将您的业务提升到新的高度,释放创意可能性和市场机遇。利用 DTF 技术拥抱纺织品印花的未来,并在不断发展的行业中保持领先地位。



彻底改变装饰服装市场:Microtec 的新型自动化物料搬运解决方案


用于热升华印刷的多功能 40 盎司和 30 盎司滚筒热压机

使用我们先进的 40 盎司滚筒热压机最大限度地发挥您的马克杯印刷潜力。这款二合一热压机专为多功能性和效率而设计,是渴望探索广泛热升华印刷需求的企业和爱好者的必备品。

MAX-CLAM 先进的自动开放式热压机,配有创新的压力计数器

Microtec 是热压技术的领导者,最近推出了其最新创新产品 - 具有突破性压力计数器功能的自动开放式热压机。这款最先进的机器是热转印领域的游戏规则改变者,提供无与伦比的精度和易用性。

揭示 ASTM 和 PSTM 大型热压机之间的主要区别

揭示 ASTM 和 PSTM 大型热压机之间的主要区别

为什么选择 Microtec - 您值得信赖的定制热压机合作伙伴

Microtec 是值得信赖的定制合作伙伴,强调热压设备的品牌和定制解决方案的潜力。它的目的是吸引那些正在寻找可靠的供应商来满足其热压机需求的客户。


Microtec 的 OEM 和 ODM 能力证明了该公司在热压行业的专业知识和多功能性。凭借超过 23 年的经验以及对研究、开发和创新的高度重视,Microtec 已成为寻求根据其规格定制和品牌热压机的企业值得信赖的合作伙伴。

Microtec 为马克杯打印提供多功能且高效的解决方案

五合一压杯机,具有 5 个独立的数字温度控制器。这项创新允许用户精确轻松地同时按压五个不同的杯子,使其成为热压印刷领域的游戏规则改变者。这款马克杯印刷机具有一系列卖点和优势,使其成为多功能且高效的马克杯印刷解决方案。

创新的连续热转印机 - 实现 T 恤无缝印刷

连续热转印机 - 一种尖端设备,旨在彻底改变 DTF(直接到织物)和 HTV(热转印乙烯基)产品的热转印工艺,实现 T 恤和其他服装上的无缝印花。该改进版本以连续熔合机为基础,提高了生产率和效率,使其成为纺织印花行业企业不可或缺的工具。


How to choose an ideal heat press for your garment?

Riva 2016-07-07 07:27:30
As there are so many different types of heat press machines on the market, it seems like a daunting task for you to choose an ideal one to transfer your garment. But with a right heat press is essential to the success of your business. If you make the wrong choice can mean spending too much or buying too little. For example, choosing the wrong size may restrict the amount of work you can actually accomplish. Thus, it is important to get some knowing about how to make the right decision. Here we go.

1. What is heat press?

Theheat press is a machine designed to imprint graphic, picture or design on articles, such as T-shirts,mouse pad, mugs, plates, caps, etc. It is done with the use of heat andpressure that is applied for a set time.

2. Which designbest fits your business?

For getting theanswer of this, you can think about below factors in steps:

Step1: Sizes

How big a heat press I need? Of course, it depends onthe largest size of garments you need to transfer. Heatpress machines come in a variety of sizes. From small one (like 12x12cm) tovery large one (like 120x170cm). And there are some common sizes in themarkets: 38x38cm/40x50cm/40x60cm/60x80cm/80x100cm/100x120cm/120x170cm(15''x15''/16''x20''/16''x24''/24”x32”/32"x40"/40"x48"/48"x68").When choosing, it is better to go for a larger press size if your budget willallow, as the machine can used for quite long time.

Step2: Types

  There arebasically three types of heat press machines: clamshell, swing away, and draw.The type of press you need depends on your work space constraintsand your preference.

Clamshell Press

Swing-away Press

Draw Press

swing way


Opens like a clamshell

*Simple to use

* Space saving

*Idea for beginner

Swings the upper plate away from the lower

*Easy to layout garment

*Need more space then clamshell

*Idea for experienced user

Lower plate pulled out like a drawer.

*Offers a heat-free work space

*Idea for high volume


Commonly, three styles are available-- Manual press,Auto open press and Pneumatic press.





auto open


Economical to buy

Open automatically, allow you to multi-task without running the risk of over-applying or burning a garment.

Use compressed air,

better pressure

After thinkingabout the above steps, you may have an idea what design of heat press you need.Then you should consider about the quality.

3. How todistinguish the quality?

As explained, allheat press do one thing: deliver heat under pressure for a set time. So thefactors which will affect the heat, pressure, and time will be affect thequality.

1) Heat: Whether heat is even? As you can image, if the heat is not even,somewhere 180degree, somewhere 160degree, somewhere cold, what the transferresult will be. Heat gap will lead to bad transfer result and ruin garments.

Thus even heat isthe indispensable feature of any heat press. Microtecheat press is with quite even heat, as its heat platen can reduce thetemperature gap between its corner and center in 5 degree, which other Chinesesuppliers can not make it.

2) Pressure:Whether the pressure is good, and whether it is easy to adjust the pressure iswhat you should consider. Microtec heat press is with hand knob for adjustingpressure, which is quite convenient.

3) Time: Accuratetime is important, while it will be more accurate with digital timers. So it isbetter to use a digital display. GY-04,GY-05, GY-06, GY-08 controllers are all digital, good for you.

What is more,interchangeable platens is also better as you can make application ondifferent garments easier.

4. What else should I consider?

Yes, and that iswarranty. And you should choose a good supplier who can offer you reasonablewarranty. 

For Microtec heatpress, it is with good warranty also: 1 Year Warranty on entire press; 5 yearswarranty on castings and heat platen; Lifetime service.

Hope you areclearer for how to choose a heat press for your garment after reading aboveinfo. If need more info, please feel free to contact Microtec sales team orEmail to inquiry@szmicrotec.com.